My Journey to finding a topic to actual Blogging

Well, I am going to start blogging on this page again. You will find me posting random stuff until I can find the right topic to create an actual blog post. I plan in the future to create a new site to where I will become a professional blogger. Now, years ago I did not take it seriously because I was suffering with anxiety/depression so there was a lot of fog going on in my head. So, to anyone who reads this I will be posting random blog posts until I figure out what I am truly passionate about to turn it into a blog. So, I am sorry in advance if I sound like I am rambling, but for now yes I am brainstorming so yes it will be ramblings until I am confident of a topic I want to zoom in on.

Your not so typical College Student

First let me apologize to my readers for the long delay in post because I have had to work on papers for Technical Writing class last Thursday I finished my final paper for that class. I can say that Technical Writing is a whole different language, but I will say it was worth the time and effort because I learned how to write a resume,cover letter, and how to write complaint letters. For those that think online classes are a breeze they still require that you work hard and you must discipline yourself to stick to a strict schedule because there is a lot of reading for the class. I know that people get the wrong idea about college students not all of us are going to school to avoid getting a job because the way I see it this will enhance our skills to become marketable. I am not saying after college it will be easy to find a job because that is not necessarily true. What I am saying is that people need to stop judging college students because they think all of them are the same. Just because a guy twirls his lanyard with the keys on it does not mean that all kids do that. It’s simply that person’s nature to act silly, and that is no reflection of their intelligence or who they really are. I write these blogs because people seem to have misconceptions about what college students really go through. I know not everybody will care what I really have to say or will read this, but oh well I am going to write this anyways.

On another note I had to update my household information for my financial aid so we will see if I can squeeze into a class, and I will have to wait until the winter semester to take the math class I want because I am not rushing up to the head of the math department so I will wait for winter registration to begin because hopefully by then I will be on campus then it will make it easier to get the head of the math department’s permission to repeat Pre Algebra.

Thank you to all my readers who do read this.

another day in the life of a college student

I always hate this process of writing  papers is finding a topic to write about. I know that I should be use to this by now, but it is still hard to get use to picking out a title.  I need to write a procedure paper or an instruction paper. I have decided to write an instruction paper now the problem is what topic do I want to explain how to do. I know that people think college students have it easy, but that is not true at all because some of us have families. So there is always chores that need to be done around the house. Everything is about balance, and time management well maybe I should write about time management, and how students can manage their time, but I am still not sure about that one yet. Gosh the choices, and so little time. These internet classes are more work then people think they are because there is a lot of writing that goes on behind the scenes. I hope people learn to understand as I write this blog that no college students don’t have it easy, and they don’t get everything handed to them we do work hard for it. I am tired of movies portraying college students as party people because not all of us are that way. Dear Hollywood, stop with your stereotypes, and start putting some reality into your films.


Well, I know it’s been a while so I have written in this, but my online history class has been taking up a lot of my time. My gosh I have never feared an essay, but I do because I am not that good at writing them. I try really hard to write them. I manage to write them without thinking, but gosh when it comes time to structuring it that’s where the problem comes in. I hope in the future I get better at writing essay. The hardest lesson I have had to learn with writing an essay is one trying to find something positive about the position, and then changing sides when you thought that side was better, but in the end. The best choice is taking the other side sometimes. This coming week is my technical writing class which is a lot of reading and writing which is okay because I don’t mind reading, and typing things up as long as I know what I am doing.  I am just glad history class is over everything is almost done for the final week. Then it will be time for final grades. I just hope that this will be enough to keep financial aid which those people would stop messing with it, and let me keep it because I am working hard for it.